RChain (REV) is a token of a leader-less smart contract platform that provides linear scalability.
News about RChain
18 Aug 2021, 05:05
Last Friday's RCast - IPCC Report #6, the best tweets from climate Twitter, fires in California and Greece, and the importance of climate for any blockchain platform:
Last Friday's RCast - IPCC Report #6, the best tweets from climate Twitter, fires in California and Greece, and the importance oLast Friday's RCast - IPCC Report #6, the best tweets from climate Twitter, fires in California and Greece, and the importance of climate for any blockchain platform: https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/08/18/rcast-152/
16 Aug 2021, 14:24
243 Aug 11 Community Debrief – WBA investment forum – crypto carbon footprints – CPT vs TPS
243 Aug 11 Community Debrief – WBA investment forum – crypto carbon footprints – CPT vs TPS.243 Aug 11 Community Debrief – WBA investment forum – crypto carbon footprints – CPT vs TPS https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/08/16/debrief-243/
13 Aug 2021, 01:14
This week’s Casper Standup covered alternative interpretations of the quantifiers. In particular, in the context of quantale semantics we sketched out 4 quantifiers, two additive and two multiplicative. We then gave a discussion of how OSLF approaches the foundations of mathematics.
This week's Casper Standup covered alternative interpretations of the quantifiers.This week’s Casper Standup covered alternative interpretations of the quantifiers. In particular, in the context of quantale semantics we sketched out 4 quantifiers, two additive and two multiplicative. We then gave a discussion of how OSLF approaches the foundations of mathematics. https://youtu.be/t9ovux9JeUY
09 Aug 2021, 17:40
RCast 151 - Aug 6 - Preserving important historical sites in Britain, water stress around the United States, the degrowth movement., horizontal governance.
RCast 151 - Aug 6 - Preserving important historical sites in Britain, water stress around the United States, the degrowth movemeRCast 151 - Aug 6 - Preserving important historical sites in Britain, water stress around the United States, the degrowth movement., horizontal governance. https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/08/09/rcast-151/
07 Aug 2021, 23:30
This week’s Casper Standup covered Geometric Algebra; integrating it as a data type into rholang; and second order operational semantics for calculi derived from the rho.calculus.
This week's Casper Standup covered Geometric Algebra. integrating it as a data type into rholang.This week’s Casper Standup covered Geometric Algebra; integrating it as a data type into rholang; and second order operational semantics for calculi derived from the rho.calculus. https://youtu.be/_qkcr2d6FJ8
05 Aug 2021, 02:34
In RCast 150, we discussed severe flooding in London, the rehabilitation of a river in Boston, Eunice Foote, a climate scientist from 1865, RChain's energy consumption, the value of NFT vs the art itself.
In RCast 150, we discussed severe flooding in London, the rehabilitation of a river in Boston, Eunice Foote, a climate scientistIn RCast 150, we discussed severe flooding in London, the rehabilitation of a river in Boston, Eunice Foote, a climate scientist from 1865, RChain's energy consumption, the value of NFT vs the art itself.
30 Jul 2021, 21:37
241 July 28 Community Debrief - Tech update #182, RChain energy consumption model
241 July 28 Community Debrief - Tech update #182, RChain energy consumption model.241 July 28 Community Debrief - Tech update #182, RChain energy consumption model https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/07/30/debrief-241/
29 Jul 2021, 19:50
This week’s Casper Standup covered nested sessions and how they relate to monads and rholang.
This week's Casper Standup covered nested sessions and how they relate to monads and rholang.This week’s Casper Standup covered nested sessions and how they relate to monads and rholang. https://youtu.be/Yk2jeEO0mHY
27 Jul 2021, 02:30
Last Friday's RCast: mark solms sentience, preserving culture sites, historic flooding in Europe and China, blockchain solutions for climate refugees.
Last Friday's RCast: mark solms sentience, preserving culture sites, historic flooding in Europe and China, blockchain solutionsLast Friday's RCast: mark solms sentience, preserving culture sites, historic flooding in Europe and China, blockchain solutions for climate refugees. https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/07/27/rcast-149/
22 Jul 2021, 06:16
Today's Debrief 240:
Today's Debrief 240:.Today's Debrief 240: https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/07/22/debrief-240/
22 Jul 2021, 05:09
This week’s Casper Standup covered the findings of Mark Solms and his theory of sentience and how blockchain could play a role.
This week's Casper Standup covered the findings of Mark Solms and his theory of sentience and how blockchain could play a role.This week’s Casper Standup covered the findings of Mark Solms and his theory of sentience and how blockchain could play a role. https://youtu.be/VQ2NxEEVBy4
19 Jul 2021, 02:24
In RCast 146, we discussed carbon capture, climate rally in DC, heat dome, RChain's role in climate mitigation, Jamie Wheal - Recapturing the Rapture
In RCast 146, we discussed carbon capture, climate rally in DC, heat dome, RChain's role in climate mitigation, Jamie Wheal - ReIn RCast 146, we discussed carbon capture, climate rally in DC, heat dome, RChain's role in climate mitigation, Jamie Wheal - Recapturing the Rapture https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/07/19/rcast-146/
15 Jul 2021, 23:33
Yesterday's debrief:
Yesterday's debrief:.Yesterday's debrief: https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/07/15/debrief-239/
14 Jul 2021, 03:27
This week's Casper Standup discussed the issues associated with per deploy validator purses and the rholang methodology for solving this problem.
This week's Casper Standup discussed the issues associated with per deploy validator purses and the rholang methodology for solvThis week's Casper Standup discussed the issues associated with per deploy validator purses and the rholang methodology for solving this problem. https://youtu.be/4acQrJr1AE4
13 Jul 2021, 01:12
13 Jul 2021, 00:06
RCast 145 – [Climate & Coordination] June 25 2021 – rewilding, proforestation, decentralized governance
RCast 145 – [Climate & Coordination] June 25 2021 – rewilding, proforestation, decentralized governance.RCast 145 – [Climate & Coordination] June 25 2021 – rewilding, proforestation, decentralized governance https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/07/13/rcast-145/
09 Jul 2021, 06:30
238 July 7 Community Debrief – vault brain candy
238 July 7 Community Debrief – vault brain candy.238 July 7 Community Debrief – vault brain candy
09 Jul 2021, 01:36
This week's Casper Standup covered a refinement of the OSLF construction for foundations of mathematics. We looked at a specific version of the element-of predicate and how that works for Set, MultiSet, and FuzzySet.
This week's Casper Standup covered a refinement of the OSLF construction for foundations of mathematics.This week's Casper Standup covered a refinement of the OSLF construction for foundations of mathematics. We looked at a specific version of the element-of predicate and how that works for Set, MultiSet, and FuzzySet. https://youtu.be/x4qqCzltEcg
06 Jul 2021, 04:03
RCast 144 - June 18 - Today we spoke about the G7 summit, new oil and gas production around the world, and a new letter from financial asset managers owning $41 trillion asking for governments to act more boldly on climate and to disclose long term financial risk due to climate. Darryl also discussed the west coast drought and Greg presented his ideas for a blockchain-based music collaboration game.
RCast 144 - June 18 - Today we spoke about the G7 summit, new oil and gas production around the world, and a new letter from finRCast 144 - June 18 - Today we spoke about the G7 summit, new oil and gas production around the world, and a new letter from financial asset managers owning $41 trillion asking for governments to act more boldly on climate and to disclose long term financial risk due to climate. Darryl also discussed the west coast drought and Greg presented his ideas for a blockchain-based music collaboration game. https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/07/06/rcast-144/
03 Jul 2021, 21:46
A couple of years ago in Poland, Greg Lucius Meredith gave a talk called "Towards a Living World." Here's his update.
A couple of years ago in Poland, Greg Lucius Meredith gave a talk called "Towards a Living World. " Here's his update.A couple of years ago in Poland, Greg Lucius Meredith gave a talk called "Towards a Living World." Here's his update. https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/07/03/rcast-143/
01 Jul 2021, 15:16
237 June 24 Community Debrief – hard fork plans / hardware update:
237 June 24 Community Debrief – hard fork plans / hardware update:.237 June 24 Community Debrief – hard fork plans / hardware update: https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/07/01/debrief-237/
19 Jun 2021, 19:29
This week's RCast was recorded on June 11 - Our guest was award winning XR director / producer Joseph Purdam
This week's RCast was recorded on June 11 - Our guest was award winning XR director / producer Joseph Purdam.This week's RCast was recorded on June 11 - Our guest was award winning XR director / producer Joseph Purdam https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/06/19/rcast-142/
18 Jun 2021, 21:43
This week's Casper Standup tied in with Friday's Climate and Coordination call, providing a more in-depth update on the Living World research.
This week's Casper Standup tied in with Friday's Climate and Coordination call, providing a more in-depth update on the Living WThis week's Casper Standup tied in with Friday's Climate and Coordination call, providing a more in-depth update on the Living World research. https://youtu.be/seSu-sovhWE
17 Jun 2021, 17:45
Yesterday's debrief:
Yesterday's debrief:.Yesterday's debrief: https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/06/17/235-june-16-community-debrief-music-consensus-game/
13 Jun 2021, 19:23
RCast 141 - [Climate & Coordination] June 11 2021 - Heat concerns at the Tokyo Olympics, climate change could cost G7 nations twice as much money as the pandemic did every year, cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline, blockchain efficiency metrics and Greg's "Towards a Living World" Update
RCast 141 - [Climate & Coordination] June 11 2021 - Heat concerns at the Tokyo Olympics, climate change could cost G7 nations twRCast 141 - [Climate & Coordination] June 11 2021 - Heat concerns at the Tokyo Olympics, climate change could cost G7 nations twice as much money as the pandemic did every year, cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline, blockchain efficiency metrics and Greg's "Towards a Living World" Update https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/06/13/rcast-141/
09 Jun 2021, 03:38
This week's Casper Standup covered applying OSLF to rholang.
This week's Casper Standup covered applying OSLF to rholang.This week's Casper Standup covered applying OSLF to rholang. https://youtu.be/HECFmUX_0IQ
06 Jun 2021, 16:45
Special RCast this week: English edit and transcript from the June 3rd bishijie AMA with Greg Meredith
Special RCast this week: English edit and transcript from the June 3rd bishijie AMA with Greg Meredith.Special RCast this week: English edit and transcript from the June 3rd bishijie AMA with Greg Meredith https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/06/06/rcast-140/
04 Jun 2021, 00:06
Yesterday's debrief:
Yesterday's debrief:.Yesterday's debrief: https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/06/04/debrief-233/
25 May 2021, 02:41
RCast 138 – [Climate & Coordination] May 21 2021 – largest iceberg breaks off, the Maldives disappearing, AWS and an increasingly centralized internet
RCast 138 – [Climate & Coordination] May 21 2021 – largest iceberg breaks off, the Maldives disappearing, AWS and an increasinglRCast 138 – [Climate & Coordination] May 21 2021 – largest iceberg breaks off, the Maldives disappearing, AWS and an increasingly centralized internet https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/05/25/rcast-138/
20 May 2021, 22:32
Yesterday's Community Debrief #231 May 19
Yesterday's Community Debrief #231 May 19.Yesterday's Community Debrief #231 May 19 https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/05/20/debrief-231/
15 May 2021, 03:31
Today's RCast: we spoke with visual artist and astronaut in training Richelle Gribble ( ), and we also discussed recent environmental debates involving NFT’s, blockchain and Elon Musk. Ian also spoke about the Apple / Epic lawsuit and how it could affect utility tokens.
Today's RCast: we spoke with visual artist and astronaut in training Richelle Gribble ( ), and we also discussed recent environmToday's RCast: we spoke with visual artist and astronaut in training Richelle Gribble ( https://www.richellegribble.com/ ), and we also discussed recent environmental debates involving NFT’s, blockchain and Elon Musk. Ian also spoke about the Apple / Epic lawsuit and how it could affect utility tokens. https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/05/15/rcast-137/
14 May 2021, 13:47
Wednesday's Debrief - Steve H does a presentation on DAASL:
Wednesday's Debrief - Steve H does a presentation on DAASL:.Wednesday's Debrief - Steve H does a presentation on DAASL: https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/05/14/debrief-230/
02 May 2021, 23:57
Last Friday's RCast: home mortgages and climate change, over half of US sees climate change as a critical threat, green plans for Paris, RChain’s work on identity, Facebook and Apple’s war will be waged in VR and AR
Last Friday's RCast: home mortgages and climate change, over half of US sees climate change as a critical threat, green plans foLast Friday's RCast: home mortgages and climate change, over half of US sees climate change as a critical threat, green plans for Paris, RChain’s work on identity, Facebook and Apple’s war will be waged in VR and AR https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/05/02/rcast-135/
28 Apr 2021, 02:11
Great article from co-op member Raphael:
Great article from co-op member Raphael:.Great article from co-op member Raphael: https://fabcotech.medium.com/rchain-concurrency-model-compared-to-ethereum-cardano-and-eos-sequential-model-7bc8b6152d44
25 Apr 2021, 04:18
Yesterday’s RCast -
earth day, life fleeing the equator, coal miners union backs shift from coal, Tamara Lindemand's music climate activism, women blockchain leaders, Youtube meets “social tokens” and the “creator economy” #earthday #theweatherstation
Yesterday's RCast -.Yesterday’s RCast - https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/04/24/rcast-134/
earth day, life fleeing the equator, coal miners union backs shift from coal, Tamara Lindemand's music climate activism, women blockchain leaders, Youtube meets “social tokens” and the “creator economy” #earthday #theweatherstation
22 Apr 2021, 16:24
RChain Cooperative wants to know, “What would Earth say?” Post your own video and share your voice. Happy #EarthDay2021 to all!
RChain Cooperative wants to know, "What would Earth say. " Post your own video and share your voice.RChain Cooperative wants to know, “What would Earth say?” Post your own video and share your voice. Happy #EarthDay2021 to all! https://rchain.coop/climate
22 Apr 2021, 02:15
RCast 133 – [Climate & Coordination] Apr 16 2021 – whale deaths in san francisco, serbian climate protests, google timelapse, nft’s climate problem
RCast 133 – [Climate & Coordination] Apr 16 2021 – whale deaths in san francisco, serbian climate protests, google timelapse, nfRCast 133 – [Climate & Coordination] Apr 16 2021 – whale deaths in san francisco, serbian climate protests, google timelapse, nft’s climate problem
15 Apr 2021, 18:11
Yesterday's Debrief: RChain token for NFT’s etc, self sovereign id and the Covid Passport
Yesterday's Debrief: RChain token for NFT's etc, self sovereign id and the Covid Passport.Yesterday's Debrief: RChain token for NFT’s etc, self sovereign id and the Covid Passport https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/04/15/debrief-226/
08 Apr 2021, 12:44
This week’s Casper Standup covered incorporating ZK in the applied pi-calculus to prove protocols using ZK correct.
This week's Casper Standup covered incorporating ZK in the applied pi-calculus to prove protocols using ZK correct.This week’s Casper Standup covered incorporating ZK in the applied pi-calculus to prove protocols using ZK correct. https://youtu.be/Vta1y7KPGSo
25 Mar 2021, 21:51
Yesterday's debrief:
Yesterday's debrief:.Yesterday's debrief: https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/03/25/debrief-223/
15 Mar 2021, 04:23
The extinction of freshwater fish, 40% of world becoming too hot for humans, John Kerry climate envoy, 385-million year old tree roots! Bill Gates’ hates Bitcoin and Greg explained the societal changing potential of “type theory.”
The extinction of freshwater fish, 40% of world becoming too hot for humans, John Kerry climate envoy, 385-million year old treeThe extinction of freshwater fish, 40% of world becoming too hot for humans, John Kerry climate envoy, 385-million year old tree roots! Bill Gates’ hates Bitcoin and Greg explained the societal changing potential of “type theory.” https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/03/15/rcast-128/
09 Mar 2021, 01:55
RCAST 127 – Climate & Coordination Mar 5 2021 – Major ice loss, batteries for base load power and decentralized grids, concurrent vs parallel execution and why search is important for a layer one blockchain platform.
RCAST 127 – Climate & Coordination Mar 5 2021 – Major ice loss, batteries for base load power and decentralized grids, concurrenRCAST 127 – Climate & Coordination Mar 5 2021 – Major ice loss, batteries for base load power and decentralized grids, concurrent vs parallel execution and why search is important for a layer one blockchain platform. https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/03/08/rcast-127/
06 Mar 2021, 21:28
In last week's RCast we discussed adaptation techniques to the climate crisis, Earth’s ocean circulation currents, Jim Whitescarver presented some best coordination practices for RChain, and we discussed Facebook and its recent tensions with Australia. youtu.be/hkgOnGTuQz4
In last week's RCast we discussed adaptation techniques to the climate crisis, Earth's ocean circulation currents, Jim WhitescarIn last week's RCast we discussed adaptation techniques to the climate crisis, Earth’s ocean circulation currents, Jim Whitescarver presented some best coordination practices for RChain, and we discussed Facebook and its recent tensions with Australia. youtu.be/hkgOnGTuQz4
06 Mar 2021, 15:07
This week’s Casper Standup covered the translation of the exponential fragment of the parsimonious lambda calculus. This completes to translation of the whole parsimonious lambda into rho-calculus.
This week's Casper Standup covered the translation of the exponential fragment of the parsimonious lambda calculus.This week’s Casper Standup covered the translation of the exponential fragment of the parsimonious lambda calculus. This completes to translation of the whole parsimonious lambda into rho-calculus. https://youtu.be/YLuqEhXkPvA